
私のWEBサイトによこそ! Welcome to my website ~♪ I hope you like it here ....φ(・∀・*) ☆ hosted by neocities.org ☆

What is This Website For?

This website is mainly for my art content and as a personal blog. Here you will find commission info, F.A.Q, a few art tutorials, a small art gallery, a mini blog, and more. This website is only compatible for computers! My website is inspired by the early Japanese 2000's websites, tumblrs, and animes. I hope you enjoy looking through my website!

Why Did You Decide to Make a Website on Neocities?

I decided to make a website because I thought it would be fun! I started because I enjoyed making carrds (you can tell if you ever took a look at my current carrd. It's very decorative). I'm also quite fond of those early internet blogs and old tumblr layouts, as mentioned previously. I know there are many other platforms to make websites like Wix, Squarespace, etc, but I thought Neocities was super cute and gave off the "early internet" aesthetic lol. Unlike those other sites, this requires coding, which I thought would be good to learn.

How to Navigate My Site:

Please click on the links on the left side for resources, important information, etc! Most links have not been added or is usable yet. I don't have a resources page just yet! I'm trying my best to code them in, please be patient (╥﹏╥) I apologize for strange formatting from time to time.

My Socials:

sunflower screen deco
morning glory left
morning glory right